Do You Know the Real Truth About Cancer?
It is difficult to come to grips with this but... we’re not being told the whole truth about cancer, what causes it, and what we can do to treat, prevent, and beat this terrible disease.
For instance...
DID YOU KNOW — the National Cancer Institute states that among women under 35, mammography could cause 75 cases of breast cancer for every 15 it identifies. Scary, right?
Normal, everyday things that are “cultural standards” in today’s society are what’s now coming out as tremendously harmful to our total well being. From personal nutrition to chemotherapy, we’ve all been fooled.
Even if you’ve had cancer and beat it before, please
and test your knowledge about some common practices and misconceptions around the cancer treatment and prevention industry... you may be surprised at what you find out.
Cancer Has Changed Me...
Hi, my name is Ty Bollinger and in a single seven year period I lost my father, both grandfathers, my grandmother, uncle, cousin, and even my mother to cancer and conventional cancer-related treatments.
Through this lifechanging experience, I did everything in my power to try and find another solution to save my family, but sadly I was too late.
Our goal with this quiz is to help good people (just like you) discover the real, shocking truth about cancer and cancer related treatments so you’re not left without any answers and where to turn like I was with my family.
, click start quiz below and see how well you truly know cancer...